Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Ophiocordyceps sinensi

Ophiocordyceps sinensis is a Tibetan herbal medicine. It is a magic herb, not only because it has some special function, but also because it has a very special growing process. Ophiocordyceps sinensis is a fungus that parasitizes on the larvae of moths. After the fungus parasitize on the larvae, the larvae will slowly die and become the nutrition for the fungus. A mature Ophiocordyceps sinensis has two parts: a worm’s head and an herb tail. Ophiocordyceps sinensis is a worm in the winter, but it becomes an herb in summer. So the Ophiocordyceps sinensis can also be called winterworm summerherb or caterpillar fungus. Ophiocordyceps sinensis is a very special Tibetan herbal medicine, and some people say it can cure cancer. It is also very rare. The formation of Ophiocordyceps sinensis need a special condition; it must be at the plateau with a very cold weather in winter, otherwise the worm’s body will decay.  And it only could formate in the natural condition and artificial propagation is not successful yet.

If you are in Tibet in the early summer, you may find many Tibetans are searching the Ophiocordyceps sinensis in the grass.  If they are lucky, they may find five or six Ophiocordyceps sinensis a day.

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