Sunday, October 5, 2014

The center of the universe

There is a temple has very special meaning in every Tibetan’s mind, they think this temple is the center of the universe. Every Tibetan has a same dream: in their life, they must walk to Lhasa, especially that temple. I mean walk is not only walk to there step by step, but also kotow and prostration in each steps. So the Tibetans may take years to walk to Lhasa; three years, eight years, ten years or even more. This temple is Jokhang temple, my second stop in Lhasa.

Jokhang temple was built during the reign of King Songsten Gampo. Like Potala Palace, this temple was also built for his marriage. It is the oldest Tibet Empire architecture in Lhasa, with Tang architectural style and Nepal architectural style. His two wives Princess Wencheng from China (Tang Dynasty), Princess Bhrikuti from Nepal are all brought some important Buddhist statues; he need a temple to enshrine them. These Buddhist statues made the Jokhang temple become the most sacred temple in Tibet because these statues were made by Buddha. Gautama Buddha only made three statues of himself, the eight year old statue, the twelve year old statue, and the twenty-five year old statue. The eight year old statue was enshrined in Ramoche Temple (Lhasa) and twenty-five year old statue was enshrined in Buddha- gaya^ (India). In these three statues, the twelve year old statue was the most gorgeous one, it reflect the prince status of Gautama Buddha when he was twelve. Princess Wencheng brought it to Tibet and enshrined it in Jokhang temple.

The gilt roof with Tang architectural style 

The gilt roof with Nepal architectural style

This statue is more than 2500 years old and it is still gorgeous, while the eight year old statue was broken. That means the twelve year old statue must have some super powers which protected it for thousands years. The Tibetans thought if they pray for this statue, the super power would also protect them. This belief makes Tibetans go to the Jokhang temple to see this statue through their lifetime. That makes Tibetans think this temple is the center of universe because Buddha is there.

The eight year old statue of Gautama Buddha

The Tibetans are kotow and prostration outside the temple

If one day you have a chance to visit Tibet, go to the Jokhang temple to pray to Buddha for yourself and your family. 

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