Friday, September 5, 2014

The first post

Hello, everyone. Here is something I want to say on my first post. Mark Twain said," The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page." I think I already read some pages. I love travel. I think a day in a new place is worth a decade in an old place. In that one day, you may face many different things, meet different people, experience different cultures, taste different foods, and see different scenery. I really enjoy these experience; they refresh me. In this blog, I will share those experiences with you.

On vacation this summer I went to Tibet, the highest place in the world. I experienced extreme weather, lack of oxygen, sun exposure and aridity. Despite those challenges, Tibet has the best and the most unforgettable landscape. Also, I experienced the mystical Tibetan nationality. God has given a special gift to this high altitude area. Everything is on a totally different plane.

If you are interested in my story, please subscribe to my blog. I will continue posting every week. Let our journey begin from the mystical Tibet!

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