Saturday, September 13, 2014

Opinion: Tibet is a part of China!

When I talk to some of my friend whose are United State citizens or people from other countries about my summer trip to Tibet, they all think I went to visit another country. I have to say that Tibet is not another country, is a part of China.

Since the 14th Dalai Lama became a renegade and left China. He works hard to portray that Tibet is an independent country. And slander that the government of China is abusing Tibetans. As a Chinese who has been to Tibet, I can’t agree with him. Today, I will track the history to prove that Tibet is a part of China. 

Tibet become the part of China can be retrace to Yuan Dynasty (1271). When Kublai Khan established the Yuan dynasty the Tibetan Plateau is the part of its territory. And direct dominated by the capital government. Since Ming Dynasty, the capital government set E-Li-Si Army-Civilian Marshal Office, Dbus-Gtsang Itinerant High Commanderyo, and Mdo-Khams Itinerant High Cmmandery to administer Tibet. Later on, the Qing Dynasty Tibet became one of the 18 provinces in China proper. Now, in the People’s Republic of China, Tibet is still a part of us. Tibet is one of the five autonomous regions of China.

Whatever the 14th Dalai Lama said, he cannot ignore the truth and forget the history. Tibet is an indivisible part of China and it will be the part forever.

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